Tina Vieira

Tina Vieira was born in Luanda, Angola, and was still a child when her family moved to Rio de Janeiro, where she later on studied Journalism and Psychology. She worked for several media outlets, such as O Globo newspaper, TV Globo and the magazine Veja Rio.
She currently lives in Galicia, Spain, where she completed a Doctorate in Evolutionary Psychology at the University of Vigo. She works with Education and spends her days between Portugal and Spain. Maboque marks her first foray into literature and was a finalist to the 2021 Jabuti Award.
(Maboque, also known as Natal orange, is a fruit that grows from Strychnos spinosa, a native tree from tropical and subtropical Africa. It is yellow and sweet-sour, and it has numerous hard brown seeds.) After burying her father, Leonor finds a diary that leads her to uncover a mysterious past lived in the streets of Angola, Portugal and Brazil. At the intersection of three countries, lies part of the explanation behind her roots and behind her father’s unruly behavior. The character dives deep into that narrative in search of her own identity, which passes through the bittersweet taste of maboque. A quest that can lead her to forgiveness and a new life.
Tina Vieira’s debut novel, Maboque was a finalist for the 2021 Jabuti Award.

Publication/Status: Published by Quelônio (Brazil) in 2020. [168 pages]