Maurício Gomyde

Maurício Gomyde was born in São Paulo and currently lives in Brasília. Besides being a writer, he’s a musician and has self-published four novels; Porto 71 is the name he gave his “indie” label. In 2002, he launched THE GLASS WORLD (O MUNDO DE VIDRO), now in its fifth edition. Then, 2011 was the year of I HAVEN’T TOLD YOU ANYTHING YET (AINDA NÃO TE DISSE NADA), now in its fourth edition. THE FACE PRIOR TO THE DREAM (O ROSTO QUE PRECEDE O SONHO) was launched in 2012, reprinted in 2013 and in 2014. BETTER DAYS FOREVER (DIAS MELHORES PARA SEMPRE) was released in 2013 and had its first printing sold out; however, Gomyde decided not to independently reprint it.
He built his own platform through social medias such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Skoob. Among other significant figures, there is his Facebook fan-page with 25,000 followers. Maurício Gomyde reached out to over 650 literature blogs across Brazil, as means of disseminating his work. He currently has 320 partner blogs and 50 partner Instagram profiles. Gomyde’s trademark is his interaction with readers through promotions and actions focused on the stories in his books (for example, selecting readers to be an inspiration for future characters). In 2014, THE STORYTELLING MACHINE (A MÁQUINA DE CONTAR HISTÓRIAS) was released by Novo Conceito.
“Maurício Gomyde makes movies with words.”
— René Sampaio, filmmaker, and director of Faroeste Caboclo (film awarded with the grand award of Brazilian cinema in 2014) Caboclo
How much do happiness and sadness determine the course of our lives?

Vitor Pickett travels through time. Seconds, minutes, hours, days… He cannot control it. He relives the past whenever he surpasses his limits of “minimum genuine happiness” and jumps to the future whenever he goes beyond his limits of “minimum genuine sadness”. Is it a gift or a curse? He has given up on that question. He cannot figure out the end but there is one thing he is sure of: his love for Amanda was the very beginning. Amanda, an old classmate, has always wanted to write children’s books and travel the world. However, since she saw her parents killed in the 1996 attack on the US Embassy, in Kenya, it is like time has stopped. Fear, depression, and sadness made her feel that after the explosion nothing could ever be right. Years later, Vitor is a recluse guy, owner of a winery, which produces some of the most awarded sparkling wines in Brazil.
Every time it is painful to remember Amanda is dead by the attack. Years later, Amanda is a manager at a bookstore in Buenos Aires, married to an influential Argentinian congressman. Every time it is painful to realize that her life, perfect in the eyes of other people, is not at all what she wants. One night is enough to change everything… And each of the happy and sad feelings reborn from an unexpected reunion will strike their lives. Will Vitor tell Amanda his secret? Will he finally discover why he travels in time? And will Amanda face her ghosts and tell Vitor who she truly is? The answers depend on Vitor subverting, even more, the insane logic of his life, being able to change a past moment as never before.

Publication/Status: by Astral Cultural (Brazil) in August 2018 and by Rowohlt (Germany) in September 2019. [352 pages]
Pedro Diniz challenged the logic of medicine. After a diagnosis that showed he would go blind in two months, a miracle interrupted the degeneration. He then decided to celebrate embarking on his old passion – the Cinema –, beginning a search for the perfect film. However, things are not always as we expect them to be. Reality ends up playing a prank on him and Pedro discovers he can only move forward with the help of the craziest film crew ever.
Thus, the four fellows begin a journey whose itinerary, like their screenplay, will be written by fate. This is a story about the infinite value of friendship, true love, and the chances of redemption that life hides, even on the perfect road.

Publication/ Status: by Intrínseca (Brazil) in September 2015; Presença (Portugal) in 2016; Spain (HC Iberica), and Alma Littera (Lithuania), in 2017. Sold to Garzanti (Italy).
Here is the story of Bruno and Micaela. Bruno, a handsome and intelligent surfer, is one of the most desirable young men in medical school. Micaela identifies herself as “the girl with the gift of invisibility.“ She’s the typical bland geek wearing glasses. The plot takes place over four years. On a trip to Hawaii, Bruno lost his leg in an accident at sea, and Micaela came into his life to help him overcome the difficulties. An unlikely romance rises between the two who had never spoken to each other, even being classmates in college. Then, in a car accident, both going down Serra do Rio do Rastro, considered the most spectacular road in the world, a piece of the prosthesis replacing Bruno’s leg hits Micaela in her head.
As a consequence of this unfortunate event, she develops the strangest disorder of the human brain: Prosopagnosia or “face blindness“. The person with this condition cannot recognize faces, not even his or her own face in the mirror. It is, therefore, time for Bruno to give the “Invisible Girl“ the affection she gave him and to prove that love can overcome the most difficult situations.

Publication/Status: Self-published in 2013.