After killing, Julio Santana prays ten Hail Maries and 20 Our Father prayers to ask God for forgiveness. He’s afraid of ending up in hell. Without ideologies, Júlio kills because that’s his job. A profession he learned in his family, with his uncle Cicero, who gave him a “job” when he was just 17. In 35 years of career, Júlio has killed exact 492 people, keeping a record of all his “jobs” in a notepad whose cover has an image of Donald Duck. To portray the life of this intriguing character, journalist and writer Klester Cavalcanti makes the killer breath and haunt the reader with his coldness. In THE NAME OF DEATH, all the characters are real and have their real names revealed, especially, Julio Santana, whose dramas, dreams, passions, and weaknesses also appear in the story. Thus, the reader learns that the same individual who makes a living taking the lives of other people is a good son, loving father and faithful and loving husband. And all this in a trajectory that is indistinguishable from that of Brazil’s, through two important episodes of the recent history of the country: the Araguaia Guerrilla Movement and the mining of Serra Pelada. For the first time, a hitman shows his face and tells his life’s story. More than a condemnation of impunity and the denudation of the gears of the addicted Brazilian machine, THE NAME OF DEATH tells the amazing life of a boy who had everything to become a fisherman – like his father and his grandfather -. but has become the largest professional killer known to the world.